Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hey Listen, little brother! Soak No More....

I am in my morning assembly and our principle is roaring over us through mike "It's is our 66th Independence day children. 66 years ago, we got what, our freedom fighter dreamed of, INDEPENDENCE". I don't know what that mean. The real thing is, I lost mine on this same day. Today is the first b'day of my little pot of trouble, my brother, younger brother people say. You would think that I am little harsh for a 1 year old child but let me tell you the other side of the story. I bet, after listening to my story, you will donate in child relief fund for me.

That day I was happy and exited as I was going to have a member in the family who is smaller, both in age and size, than me. A member on whom i can rule and paste my orders, just like my parents and older brother used to, on me. He was the only source of saving my 'Leftover grace'. (Leftover Grace - I have lost most of my prestige as there is not even a single neighbor in front of whom i have never cried and there is hardly anyone left in my colony in front of whom my mother has never scolded me.) Now, I was going to be master of one member of my family. My YOUNGER BROTHER, who saw the lights of the day on 15th August. With his arrival our parents got blessed with we 3 brothers in the family, him (Just born), Me (5 year old), Elder brother (17 year old).

We took my momma and my little brother home the next day. Guest, relatives, neighbor etc. etc. kept on visiting our house (not home anymore) till next few days. I was the sole in charge of water and snack serving department. I had to serve both to each of them but nobody seemed interested appreciating me over my noble work. Instead, they were busy grasping a glimpse of my tiny brother who was lying well in his comfort zone, wrapped well by white baby towel, enjoying cushion. They were touching his cheeks, making weird expression and talking to him in the language of some other world. I seriously felt neglected for the very first time in my life and thus i lost my 'leftover grace' within few days of his arrival.

He has the record of peeing over me exactly 8 times without his Diaper, and it comes just after my mom on whom he has an unbreakable feat of peeing more than 100 times i think. There must be a conspiracy against me from both of my brothers as i have never seen him peeing over my eldest brother. 

During my winter breaks, i merely turned into a baby sitter. I had to make sure that he doesn't jump from bed to floor, i had to amuse him all day and whenever he cried i was accused for it. His taste of T.V. program has been peculiar since the day of his birth. He hate 'Tom and Jerry', he cries whenever Jerry bangs Tom's head against anything but he laughs while watching gun fights with dazzling bullets mindlessly piercing head of many which my elder brother likes too. Another prove of that conspiracy theory which my other two brothers have against me. It's been almost a year since i last watched a full episode of 'Tom and Jerry' or 'Dexter's Laboratory'.  I wonder if some day my mother give me order to change his Diapers too. 

This is not all, i somehow lost the love interest of my father as now he don't ask me about my school and studies. Instead, he first prefer to hug this brand new creature of my family and talk to him in some bizarre language and that 'little monster' could only respond him with his 'BLAB BLAB BLAA' and some other clueless words. 

Today we will celebrate 1st birthday of this nuisance creator. I am praying to god, to make him as mature as I was in my second year of birth. 

Hey listen little brother, stop soaking the part of love i deserve. So, soak no more!! :(    

My principal is still yelling over mike. His speech is only meant for the senior secondary student as i and my friends are still looking clueless about what he actually wants to convey. Its a kind request from my side to school authorities also. Don't put us in the things we can't soak. SOAK NO MORE! :)

[ This post is written for Indiblogger's Surf Excel Matic # SoakNoMore Contest ]